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YJFL takes to Marvel for pre Round 1 clash

The YJFL is honoured to be invited to participate in an Under 16 Boys representative match against the South Metro Junior Football League in a curtain raiser to the Collingwood vs St Kilda clash at Marvel Stadium on Friday evening.

Starting at 5.45pm the game is a great way for our players and selected umpires to experience a once in a life time opportunity.

All 22 selected players come from the 2021 Yarra Magpies Academy squad including coach Vinnie Datolli who lead the boys last year.

We also congratulate the four umpires chosen to officiate Friday’s game. 2021 Golden Whistle Award winner Andrew Chau will take the filed and represent the YJFL as one of the filed umpires.

Guernsey #NameClub4DanielShepherdFitzroy5JoshuaCarelliSt Marys6JordanLombardoBeverley Hills7BraydonO’ConnorBanyule10ZacHarwoodHeidelberg13CharlieOpieIvanhoe19ThomasGrossKew Rovers20NoahCroakerHawthorn Citizens22LucasMcInerneyHeidelberg25WilliamHanlonPreston Bullants29ZaneCochraneIvanhoe32WillDeanSt Marys38TadhgMcCarthyKew Rovers39ZakJohnsonSt Marys42HamishHudsonKew Rovers45ZacMcGownWarrandyte47JoshSmilliePark Orchards51CharlieGrummittHawthorn Citizens52CharlieWennBoroondara Hawks53JoshGalstiansPark Orchards55JesseDattoliIvanhoe60RomanBlackIvanhoeCoachVinnieDatolliAssistant CoachFabCarelli


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