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Week One Finals Venues Announced

Well it’s that time of the year again. The sun is sneaking out, the action’s hotting up and flags are on everyone’s mind – it must be finals time.

As there are a number of competitions yet to decide their final four we can’t tell you where specific matches are going to be played, but we can tell you the names of the venues that will be hosting in Week One of this year’s finals series. And as always, we thank those clubs that have put their hands up to host finals because we can’t do it without your generous support.

Finals Venues Week OneHost Club VenueBeverley HillsZerbes ReserveBeverley HillsDoncaster ReserveBrunswickGillon OvalBulleen TempBulleen Park East OvalBulleen TempBulleen Park West OvalBundooraTelfer ReserveDoncasterSchramms ReserveGreythornGordon Barnard UpperGreythornGordon Barnard LowerHawthorn CitizensVictoria Road ReserveHeidelbergWarringal ParkHeidelbergHeidelberg ReserveIvanhoeIvanhoe ParkKew CometsVictoria Park LowerKew CometsVictoria Park UpperMacleodMacleod ParkParade St DamiansBinnak ParkRichmondCitizens ParkSurrey ParkSurrey ParkTemplestoweTemplestowe ReserveTemplestoweTemplestowe Reserve 2Whitehorse ColtsSpringfield Park WestWhitehorse ColtsSpringfield Park EastYJFLBulleen Park No. 1 OvalYJFLKoonung Reserve

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